Call me: 07809  239932


 Westdene Tots Childminding

Eldred Avenue, Brighton BN1

Call me: 07809 239932


Meals and snacks

Breakfast will be provided between the hours of 8-8.45 am. This is included in the days’ rate. 
Parents are to bring a packed lunch for their child/ren.
A hot meal can be provided for an extra £2 per day. Or I am happy for parents to provide their own food and I will re-heat if necessary. 
All snacks and drinks are included. Powdered milk and food for children aged one and under to be provided by parents. 
Fresh drinking water will be made available to children at all times. 
All trips to local toddler groups etc, are included. I will discuss with you in advance, if we would like to visit somewhere special that may cost a bit extra.

What you need to bring for your child

Nappies, wipes and creams 
Spare clothes
Outer clothing appropriate for the weather 
Sun-cream and a sun hat when it’s hot 
A toothbrush and hairbrush if you wish your child’s teeth and hair to be brushed during the day.
A small bag to carry child’s belongings in. 

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